Month: February, 2012

Ze Goal: A Querying Report

I’m well aware that I’ve talked about nothing but my efforts to find an agent for the last several weeks now. I apologize; I finally got a job back in mid-January after a year of being out of school and three of being unemployed, and adjusting to not sitting on my ass all the time is taking me a while. I’m also, like, seven and a half months pregnant, but whatever. Point being I’m kinda busy, and the whole querying process is probably the most interesting thing I can write about without having to brain too hard.

Today also happens to be the 25th, and thus the one-year anniversary of Descent being finished. Back in January, I set myself the goal of querying 10 agents by today. For those expecting mumbled excuses and neck scratching (better known as my Generic Response to Anything #5)…

Queries Sent: 10

Still Pending: 7

Rejection Letters Received: 2

“No Response=No Interest”: 1


One 1k- word short story submitted to a local anthology.

Therefore, :P. With sound effects.

So, now we step it up. Next month: 12 more agents, at least one publisher, and another short story (stumbled a promising speculative fiction magazine in my research). Plus—what the hell—let’s shave some time off it. We’ll call it the 20th. I like dates I can remember easily.

As a side note for anyone else who may be going through the process, this is just about the coolest, most helpful site ever. Go there. Do stuff. It’s neat.


Query Update: Numbers!

A quick word for those following my progress:

Currently up to 6 agents queried total (one form rejection, one “no answer means no interest”, four pending) with three more sticky notes to be addressed stuck to the side of my monitor. So, one more agent to find and three more to query to reach the goal I recently set myself .

In addition, there is one lead for a smaller publishing house stuck to the top of the monitor. Still considering it, but have been persuaded to take my time in doing so. Whole lot of angles to consider, and I shouldn’t rush into things. Luckily, I have one of those friends on whom I can rely to talk me out of something when I know deep down it’s not in my best interest, but want to do it anyway.

For those of us who tend to make rash decisions, such people are invaluable.